Thursday, January 26, 2012

Warm Weather

Well what a difference from last week! We are enjoying the change of weather and came just in time, as Jacki and Gary brought the kids on Saturday and we could kick...I mean, take them outside! Jonmarie and Bobby were outside for at least 2 hours. Matt and mom were supposed to be here by 3 pm, but they had no hot water and the landlord was there trying to fix it. By the time they got here, it was after 6 pm and supper was on hold. Homemade perogies, barbequed ribs, homemade buns and bread, etc. Real comfort food and it wasn't even cold!
Matt continues to do some exercises, standing everyday and really focusing on standing straight without leaning on the machine. He is very focused on returning to Regina in March or April. I wish it didn't cost so much however it boosts his spirits so much that it is worth the money. Keep it up Matt, even though it doesn't feel like it sometimes you still have so many people rooting for you and wishing you all the best. I stopped at the RBC and the greeter always asks how Matt is, as well as other people who have met Matt.
Matt has been feeling under the weather again and had a few acne breakouts, so trying to nip it in the bud before it gets worse so is on antibiotics again. Mom said tonight when they took Matt for his bath, after he has such a bad headache. They needed to stop at the mall for some things but they ended up coming home earlier because of Matt's headache. Hopefully it won't last long and the Advil will work.
Thanks for all who tune in to Matt's blog!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cold, Canadian Winter

Well talk about your welcome home weather! Gone for 5 weeks and hardly any temps below 0 and we get back and BANG!! -40 with a windchill warning! To me once you see -40 you shouldn't need a warning! It is just plain cold. However I am feeling extremely spoiled with my command start in my truck. It may eat fuel when it is cold, but it sure warms up nice! The kids love it. So we are not minding the cold so much. John however has been parking his diesel SUV at the hospital and WALKING 20 mins to work. WALKING! I guess the new Canadian passport really does change a person!
Matt is back in Red Deer after rehab and spending Christmas in Weekes. We sure missed everyone and so glad to see them again. Matt was doing quite well until the weekend and started to feel flu like symptoms, tired, nauseated, fever. Mom and Matt came over to our house on Friday to see some videos and pictures of South Africa. I made homemade pizza, which he usually loves but he hardly ate any. Matt very seldom complains but you could tell he wasn't feeling 100%. He actually felt awful until Tuesday but today we chatted on the phone and sounds like his usual self!
Matt is looking forward to be back in rehab. He misses all the hard work and the staff. But Matt can get along with almost anyone. We are looking forward to his 25th birthday on February 28th. We really wanted to go to Vegas but I think Matt has gotten cold feet! Worried about how he would get on the plane, where they would put his chair, altitude and his lungs, etc. So we may have to come up with something special here. We are looking forward to seeing Aunty Karen and Uncle Neil and Aunty Brenda and Uncle Bob in February for the Scott's Tournament of Hearts. It should be a good time as always.
Bundle up and keep warm! This too shall pass.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Update from South Africa

Hello everyone! Mom was unable to get on the computer at home so I talked to Matt on the phone last night to see how things had ended at rehab.
Matt sounds so positive on the phone and is looking forward to returning to rehab in the new year. The final day of treatment they had Matt sit up in a chair and then prepare him to try and stand. So one of the therapists held his knees while in a sitting position and placed his arms beside him as if he were to push himself up and off the chair. Matt was able to push himself off about an inch or two off the seat! He was very excited about this and will continue to practice all the activities they had taught him.
Our internet were we are is very slow so I won't write too long. However just wanted to let you know how well Matt is doing and keep praying for his journey to recovery!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Left Arm

Matt continued to do similar exercises all week, however on Thursday Matt was able to squat and do 100 lbs with the total gym machine. Last week he could only do 70 lbs. Great job Matt!! Also when Matt was on the total gym, the trainer put Matt's one leg on his shoulder and then with his right leg he could do single leg squats. The single leg squats were harder to do with his left leg.
On Friday they really wanted to see what Matt's left arm could do.The staff got Matt to supinate/pronate, which means turning wrist so hand faces upward and then turning the wrist so the hand faces down wards. Matt needs help to this, so the staff tap a muscle in his forearm to stimulate it to move. Matt found it really hard to turn his hand from supination or "holding soup" with palm facing upwards to turning it to pronate, or palm flat on the table. Matt quotes "stupid wrist". They then worked on Matt's left elbow with the stimulator machine, which is electrical stimulation sending electricity to Matt's muscles to innervate the small muscles. The staff were able to get Matt's left arm to bend up while laying down. Matt didn't have to do much but the big thing is repetition to get his left arm stronger. They are encouraging Matt to think about moving his left arm while the stimulator is sending electrical currents to get his brain to remember how to move that muscle. Today Matt's left shoulder hurts but hopefully it is just do to using muscles he hasn't used and not a problem with his sublixation.
Matt had a great time at the pig barn Christmas party, so nice to see everyone. Matt stayed for about 4 hours but came home earlier than usually, I think he was exhausted from the rehab.
John and I are off to South Africa tonight with the girls, so mom will try to update the blog as much as she can. Matt and I will also use skype to communicate too.