Sunday, January 16, 2011

Van trouble Again

Wow, this cold weather has sure taken it's toll on Matt's battery in his van. We again had to have CMA come and boost the battery. It was completely dead. They have checked the battery and always say it is fine however it feels like something in that van is drawing power when it is not running.
Thank goodness the weather is supposed to improve on Tuesday. Matt has been housebound for most of the week. He finds it just too cold to go out, even when the van is running right. That is one thing that is getting worse, his ability to keep warm in the cold. I feel the same way! Winter was fun as a kid, not so much anymore. However we have been going outside everyday since the huge snowfall we had a few days ago and last weekend and the kids love it! John has been out with the tractor moving snow around and they sit right where he is going to dump it and get a huge load of snow on their heads. Weird kids.
John and I were lucky enough to go to an Autistic conference in Edmonton. We barely made it with the treacherous weather on Wednesday and didn't do so well coming back on Friday either. But we were glad to go and get insight into the autistic person's way of thinking. Temple Grandin was the keynote speaker and she is severely autistic, especially when she was young and now has her PhD in animal husbandry. They also made a HBO TV movie that we were able to buy on DVD. It was fantastic. Jonmarie and Shaunie stayed and Grandma's and I think Uncle Matt enjoys when they come, even if he won't admit it!
Nolan needed to come to Red Deer on Tuesday for work and stayed with mom and Matt. It was good for the brother's to get together and Nolan took Matt for an outing.
Hope everyone is sticking to their New Year's resolution's! Mom has lost something like 16 lbs and is so excited when she can fit into something she hasn't worn for 3 years. I know I have to get more muscles built up. Some very good friends of mine are planning a weekend trip to Canmore and cycling to Banff and back. It should be a great time.